The worship at Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church is God-exalting, Christ-centered, and not man-centered.
We hold firmly to the regulative principle of worship. The elements in the worship service have been carefully selected according to either what God commanded for worship or what could be deduced from examples in Scripture. We seek to worship God as modeled in Scripture, not according to human imagination, custom, creativity, or glamour.
Our ancient and reverent worship form depends on God's ordinary methods: preaching, prayer, praise, and the sacraments as effective means by which God conveys grace, strength, truth, love, and eternal life.
We regard the worship service as a sacred meeting with God. Our worship is conducted in the form of a dialogue between God and His covenant people; we speak to God in prayer, confessions and praise, while God speaks to us through the reading and preaching of the Word and in the celebration of the sacraments.
One of the elements of our corporate worship each Lord’s Day is singing. Together we raise our voices in song, praising our God and proclaiming His truth. We sing traditional hymns from the Trinity Hymnal and we sing Psalms as the church has done for many centuries. We believe that these traditional hymns and Psalms are most rich in their lyrics and theology and therefore represent our best in glorifying God in our worship.
The worship at Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church is characterized by reverence, joy, intimacy and the majesty, greatness and mercy of the sovereign God. We extend our hands to invite you to join us!
We hold firmly to the regulative principle of worship. The elements in the worship service have been carefully selected according to either what God commanded for worship or what could be deduced from examples in Scripture. We seek to worship God as modeled in Scripture, not according to human imagination, custom, creativity, or glamour.
Our ancient and reverent worship form depends on God's ordinary methods: preaching, prayer, praise, and the sacraments as effective means by which God conveys grace, strength, truth, love, and eternal life.
We regard the worship service as a sacred meeting with God. Our worship is conducted in the form of a dialogue between God and His covenant people; we speak to God in prayer, confessions and praise, while God speaks to us through the reading and preaching of the Word and in the celebration of the sacraments.
One of the elements of our corporate worship each Lord’s Day is singing. Together we raise our voices in song, praising our God and proclaiming His truth. We sing traditional hymns from the Trinity Hymnal and we sing Psalms as the church has done for many centuries. We believe that these traditional hymns and Psalms are most rich in their lyrics and theology and therefore represent our best in glorifying God in our worship.
The worship at Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church is characterized by reverence, joy, intimacy and the majesty, greatness and mercy of the sovereign God. We extend our hands to invite you to join us!